Music theatre
Jahrhunderthalle Bochum

Sandra Hüller sings songs by the legendary singer-songwriter PJ Harvey

One woman. Her journey. Her decisions. Sandra Hüller (Oscar nominee for Anatomy of a Fall) sings and acts the leading role, embarking on an epic journey through extreme emotional and mental landscapes. She is joined by dancers, including some from the Ballet national de Marseille, directed by the revolutionary artistic collective (LA)HORDE, Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer and Arthur Harel who also co-choreographed Madonna’s Celebration Tour. We follow the protagonist’s attempts to become her true self, defying the roles and expectations society has for her. She reinvents herself in every encounter, every relationship and every city. With I Want Absolute Beauty Ivo Van Hove opens Ruhrtriennale 2024. This emphatic music theatre production with chosen songs by alternative rock star PJ Harvey shows how we can overcome obstacles, grow from them and finally accept that we can only take life as it comes. And that can feel really good!

Produced by Ruhrtriennale in partnership with Ballet national de Marseille direction (LA)HORDE.

Audio introduction

Find out more about the the production in our audio introduction.

  • Sandra Hüller sings songs by the legendary singer-songwriter PJ Harvey.
    I Want Absolute Beauty © Jan Versweyveld
  • "I Want Absolute Beauty" - Produced by Ruhrtriennale in partnership with Ballet national de Marseille direction (LA)HORDE.
    I Want Absolute Beauty © Jan Versweyveld
  • "I Want Absolute Beauty" - Produced by Ruhrtriennale in partnership with Ballet national de Marseille direction (LA)HORDE.
    I Want Absolute Beauty © Jan Versweyveld
  • "I Want Absolute Beauty" with Sandra Hüller. Produced by Ruhrtriennale in partnership with Ballet national de Marseille direction (LA)HORDE.
    I Want Absolute Beauty © Jan Versweyveld
  • Sandra Hüller sings songs by the legendary singer-songwriter PJ Harvey. Produced by Ruhrtriennale in partnership with Ballet national de Marseille direction (LA)HORDE.
    I Want Absolute Beauty, director: Ivo Van Hove. Sandra Hüller, (LA)HORDE © Jan Versweyveld
  • Cast

    • Conceived and directed by
      • Ivo Van Hove
    • Choreography
      • (LA)HORDE - Marine Brutti, Jonathan Debrouwer, Arthur Harel (In collaboration with the dancers and the choreography assistants)
    • Music
      • PJ Harvey
    • Set Design, Lighting Design
      • Jan Versweyveld
    • Video Design
      • Christopher Ash
    • Costume Design
      • An D'Huys
    • Sound Design
      • Tom Gibbons
    • Musical Director
      • Liesa Van der Aa
    • Dramaturgical advice
      • Koen Tachelet
    • Associate Bühnenbild
      • Bart Van Merode
    • Associate Light Design
      • Dennis van Scheppingen
    • Associate Sound Design
      • Erwin Sterk
    • Assistant Director
      • Philip Decker
    • Assistant Choreography
      • Jacquelyn Elder ,
      • Julien Monty
    • Assistant Costume Design
      • Belza Beausoleil
    • Stage Management
      • Dorike van Genderen
      • ,
      • ,
    • With
      • Sandra Hüller (Play / Singing) ,
      • Casper Tveteraas Hauge ,
      • Efua Maria Aikins ,
      • Emma Savoldelli-Harris ,
      • Evan Sagadencky ,
      • Jens van der Pijl ,
      • Louka Gailliez ,
      • Luca Völkel ,
      • Nahimana Vandenbussche ,
      • Sarah Abicht ,
      • Timothy Firmin ,
      • Tristan Sagon
    • With special appearance by
      • Isabelle Huppert
    • And the voice of
      • PJ Harvey
    • Band
      • Liesa Van der Aa ,
      • Anke Verslype ,
      • Neil Claes ,
      • Alban Sarens
    • Production Manager Ruhrtriennale
      • Stefanie Hiltl
    • Technical Project Manager Ruhrtriennale
      • Georg Bugiel
    • Technician
      • Harald Adams ,
      • Konrad Anger ,
      • Steven Böhm ,
      • Sascha Brandt ,
      • Willi Eidam ,
      • Desirée García López ,
      • Bruno Grotsch ,
      • Leif Hetfeld ,
      • Severino Jurischka ,
      • Andreas Korogonas ,
      • Frank Kostadimas ,
      • Torben Krol ,
      • Daniel Lein ,
      • Franzi Luhn ,
      • Ole Meißner ,
      • Gerd Mikuscheit ,
      • Fernando Quartana ,
      • Stefan Rausch ,
      • Uwe Renken ,
      • Stephan Schneppel ,
      • Alma Schraer ,
      • Ralph Schwarzenauer ,
      • Stephanie von Porbeck ,
      • Dominik Wegmann ,
      • Christoph Wüst
    • Dressing, collaboration costumes
      • Sabine Höhfeld ,
      • Laura Effsing ,
      • Natalie Soroko ,
      • Renate Wellershausen


    • Language

      English with German surtitles

    • Supporters

      Suuported by Ammodo.

    • Run time

      1 h 30 min

    • Introduction

      An introduction will take place in the upper foyer of the Jahrhunderthalle Bochum one hour before the start of each event.

    • Artist Talk

      Following the performance on Friday, 23 Aug, we invite interested people to an artist talk with participants of the production.

    • Advise on content

      The event will deal with war and self-harm.

      Physical violence and sexual freedom are portrayed through dance.

    • Sensory stimuli

      Smoke and fog are used during the event.

    • Programme

      Further information about the production can be found in the programme flyer. It is also available in printed form at the performances on site.

    • Construction site information

      Since 6 August, the A40 has been fully closed between the Bochum-West junction and the Bochum-Harpen junction due to the construction of a new bridge. Visitors to the Ruhrtriennale must be prepared for increased traffic on the diversion routes, which we have summarised for you here

    • Bring Your Friends

    Directions and arrival

    Jahrhunderthalle Bochum
    An der Jahrhunderthalle 1
    44793 Bochum

  • Public transport and KombiTicket
  • Directions
  • Travelling by bike
  • Accessibility at the venue

  • Access
  • Accessible toilets
  • Accessible parking
  • Audio description and haptic tour
  • Hearing support
  • Sign language translation
  • Festival team on site
  • Dates and Tickets
    Fri 16.8.2024
    8 p.m. Music theatre Jahrhunderthalle Bochum
    Sat 17.8.2024
    Sun 18.8.2024
    Thu 22.8.2024
    Fri 23.8.2024
    Sat 24.8.2024
    Sun 25.8.2024
    Thu 29.8.2024
    Fri 30.8.2024

    Festival Stories


    Poet and singer-songwriter PJ Harvey and Intendant of Ruhrtriennale Ivo Van Hove in conversation